Thursday, January 6, 2011

Flowers for the Dead

I was on the train last month and the thought of my baby cousin Tamara came about... I tend to think of her from time to time and it makes me a little sad. Sad because I think of the great life she'd probably still have had she not passed away 8 years ago. So like I often do when I feel deeply enough about something I wrote about it. I typed it out on my phone and just kept it there til today. So I figured I'd share it with you guys. I entitled it "Flowers for the Dead" because although its about her I mentioned my grandmother, uncles and a friend of mine Ronnie, all of whom are no longer here with us. So this is "Flowers for the Dead"

You would have been 12 this year, 13 next month in fact... Gone too soon is what we all said.. Damn I still can't believe your.... 7 years later and that's still the 4 letter word that I can't say. I miss you baby girl but the pain that I feel is only a candle in the sun that is your mothers pain. I swear not one time have I seen her flash the same smile that she would within the short 5 years you were with us. Another man would curse God. Curse him for taking away my uncles, my grandma, my man from the block, my aunt's beautiful smile, but worse of all your life. I mean damn it barely even began.... But I'm not an atheist, I wouldn't curse my God. I just have to make my peace with him and understand that he needed you and all those other people more than I needed them. I guess this is just my flowers for the dead, hey look I said it... Your all gone but your never forgotten. Tamara I love you baby girl. It hurts 100 times more than the needle that tattooed your name into my skin just knowing your gone. They say God takes all the great ones first, which explains how I could possibly outlive you. But til we meet again, I love you baby.... Happy Birthday.

 May she Rest in Peace

I was debating whether or not I was going to share her picture with you guys, but I figured it couldn't hurt.

Stay up Folks.

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