Wednesday, August 4, 2010

(200th Post) Bull for Mylez ep. 1

This is my 200th Post! man, it feels like a milestone. In case ya didn't know, I like to treat these moment as time to thank the people who support me.
I'll try to keep it short and sweet.
Thanks You so much to everyone who views my blog. According to blogger I only have 23 followers, and I am BEYOND grateful for those 23, but there is about 40 more that I can think of who have told me "Hey i love your blog" and honestly I know in my heart there is many more who don't tell me, haven't told me and probably won't tell me they are watching but this is for all of ya! I can't begin to explain how grateful I am for all of ya!

Now with all that said something that doesn't need much of an introduction. If you follow my blog that means you follow me, and if you follow me that means you're well aware of my reality show with my cousin, my big brother, Buddy Mylez.... That's right "Bull for Mylez" the highly anticipated first episode is here.

Check it out folks:

Thanks again, and I hope ya enjoye the show!
I'll be here for 200+ more blogs folks! We growin together, so come back soon.

Stay up and Stay Tuned!

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